Tobacco: Silently Hiding Smokers in Graves

By: Mukhtar Garba Kobi (08185113672) Tobacco cigarettes Tobacco was historically discovered by an European in person of Christopher Columbus in 1492, initially, it was only smoked by high-class personalities during festivities but Columbus took it back to Europe where it gained recognition. Smoking increased dramatically during world wars, it was supplied to troops for free mainly to boost their morale but later in the 20th century, it became less popular due to a rapid increase in its health effects. Several types of research were conducted and books published on the dangers of tobacco to health, some of which are Samuel Thomas in 1795, Benjamin Rush in 1798 and many more. World No Tobacco Day was celebrated on May 31 but not known to many due to poor campaigns. According to World Health Organization (WHO), every year roughly about 8 million people die from smoking-related diseases and more than 7 million of those deaths are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand ...